2 seasons available (16 episodes)


In this action-packed adult animated series, an all-out war leaves only a handful of highly skilled soldiers fighting for the future of humanity. After sustaining devastating injuries, pilot Julian Chase returns from the dead in the form of a Holon warrior, one of a select few whose mind is compatible with the mech-suit gen:LOCK program. As Dr. Weller works to crack the gen:LOCK code, it’s up to Chase, Miranda, Cammie and their team of intrepid Polity fighters to fend off the authoritarian Union. But as the war rages on, Chase must decide if he’s willing to sacrifice everything -- including friends, family, and his own humanity -- to save an increasingly hostile world.more

In this action-packed adult animated series, an all-out war leave...More

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About this Show


In this action-packed adult animated series, an all-out war leaves only a handful of highly skilled soldiers fighting for the future of humanity. After sustaining devastating injuries, pilot Julian Chase returns from the dead in the form of a Holon warrior, one of a select few whose mind is compatible with the mech-suit gen:LOCK program. As Dr. Weller works to crack the gen:LOCK code, it’s up to Chase, Miranda, Cammie and their team of intrepid Polity fighters to fend off the authoritarian Union. But as the war rages on, Chase must decide if he’s willing to sacrifice everything -- including friends, family, and his own humanity -- to save an increasingly hostile world.

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