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HBO retells the world's most famous fairy tales with a multi-ethn...More
Starring: Robert GuillaumeLiz TorresEdward James Olmos
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In the wake of Caesar's murder, a cauldron of contrary emotions bubbles across Rome. Narrowly escaping Quintus Pompey and his henchmen outside the Senate, Mark Antony decides to flee north to raise an army and plans to leave the city with Atia, her children and Caesar's widow Calpurnia. Meanwhile, Vorenus issues a curse he soon regrets.
52 B.C. Eager to return to Rome after eight long years of war, Gaius Julius Caesar ends his campaign with a big triumph in Gaul -- and news of a shattering personal loss at home. When his army's gold standard is stolen, Caesar's cousin and commander, Mark Antony, enlists two soldiers. Centurion Lucius Vorenus and Legionnaire Titus Pullo are sent to track it down.
Appointed People's Tribune by Caesar, Mark Antony returns to Rome with Octavian's liberators, Vorenus and Pullo. After being feted by Atia, Vorenus heads home to his family for the first time in eight years. Unfortunately, unfinished business involving Pullo spawns a Forum melee -- and sends Pullo and an injured Vorenus back into Caesar's ranks.
Cleopatra arrives in Rome to pay her respects to Caesar--and to attempt to get her son legitimized. Frustrated by Mark Antony in his attempt to secure his inheritance, Octavian takes out a loan to repay Caesar's promise to the people. Mark Antony orders Vorenus to assume Erastes' captaincy, and he and Pullo bully the warring gangs into an uneasy truce.
Alarmed at the speed with which Caesar's army has advanced and with a less-than-full complement of soldiers at his disposal, Pompey makes an unusual tactical decision: abandon Rome to Caesar. Atia enlists Timon to ensure her family's security. But, as Vorenus marvels that Rome has been left undefended, Pullo sees his uncanny good fortune continue.
As Brutus and Cassius struggle to raise foreign money for an army, Mark Antony changes his post-consul itinerary from Macedonia to Gaul. The plan is derailed when Cicero delivers an in-absentia message to the Senate, then throws his support to Octavian, the new Caesar. Vorenus, meantime, is in a battle of his own.
As Pompey "maneuvers," Caesar seeks to consolidate his hold on Rome. Atia throws a party to welcome Caesar home, while Vorenus throws one of his own to usher in his new life. Pullo's run of luck continues when he delivers Quintus Pompey to Caesar, who returns Quintus to his father's camp -- with an offer he knows Pompey will never accept.
Her treachery exposed by Duro, Servilia finds herself in Atia's villa at the mercy of Timon. Searching for Vorenus, Pullo runs into Octavian, who has just won a bloody battle against Mark Antony. The new Caesar decides to return to Rome with his army and sends Marcus Agrippa to tell Octavia and Cicero. Vorenus discovers the fate of his children.
Vorenus returns to the Collegium. Octavian urges Cicero to embrace his request to be made Consul, and in exchange, Octavian promises not to make a move without consulting Cicero first. Later, his first act as Consul takes Cicero and the Senate by surprise. Two adversaries patch up their differences to gain an advantage over Brutus and Cassius' armies.
Caesar weighs Pompey's counteroffer against Antony's recommendation to chase down Pompey's army. Vorenus is forced to reconsider his career choices. A jealous Atia concocts a clever scheme to separate Caesar from Servilia. Pullo is recruited to tutor Octavian in the art of soldiering but ends up learning a lesson or two from the boy.
Mark Antony is running Rome while Caesar pursues Pompey, but when news comes that the tide has turned and that Pompey now pursues Caesar, Antony must decide whether to stick by his old commander or turn against him. Pullo takes Octavian to a brothel; Atia attempts to mend fences with Servilia; and Vorenus and Niobe briefly rediscover their intimacy.
Brutus and Cassius see their military advantage vanish after Octavian's alliance with Mark Antony. Vorenus receives orders to execute scores of Rome's elite. Mark Antony adds a few names to the list of condemned, as does Atia. Pullo is sent on a brutal mission. On the plains of Philippi, two armies clash, with the future of Rome at stake.
Servilia's cries for justice drive Atia to distraction and result in an unfortunate public denouement. Meanwhile, Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus agree to divvy up Rome's territories, sharing a common treasury. The coalition is tested when Mark Antony fails to report a bribe. At the Collegium, Eirene insists that Pullo punish Gaia for insubordination.
Marooned in the Adriatic Sea, Vorenus and Pullo try to survive. In Greece, Pompey decides to attack Caesar's depleted forces, whose lack of options turns into their greatest strength. The result finds Pompey seeking reinforcements. Finally, in Rome, Octavia is enlisted by Atia to ask another favor of Servilia.
Octavian proclaims a new era of virtue in Rome, issuing a stern mandate that proves impossible for his family and subordinates to obey. A shipment of gold is mysteriously hijacked, sending Vorenus on a mission to learn who betrayed whom. Pullo turns his grief into fury at Memmio, Omnipor and their henchmen in the wake of personal tragedy.
Having pursued Pompey into Egypt, Caesar arrives in Alexandria and meets the boy king Ptolemy XIII, who offers the general a surprise gift. Vorenus and Pullo play liberators again, freeing Ptolemy's incarcerated sister, Cleopatra. Caesar seeks payment from Egypt for past debts and forges a strategic union to ensure his legacy.
Rome is facing a dire grain shortage, forcing Octavian to barter with Mark Antony to get new shipments from Egypt. But instead of agreeing to Octavian's price -- money and territory -- Mark Antony flatly turns him down, pointing towards an inevitable conflict between the two former allies and, perhaps, Vorenus and Pullo.
In the aftermath of the battle of Actium, Mark Antony returns to Alexandria, settling into numbing debauchery with Cleopatra. Meanwhile, Octavian turns to Pullo to convince Vorenus to give up Cleopatra's palace. Predictably, Vorenus refuses, but Cleopatra seems all too willing to dupe Mark Antony to save her life.
Proclaimed Emperor by the Senate, Caesar pronounces the war over and prepares for five days of feasting and games. Pullo is no longer an enlisted soldier, looking for a pastoral future with Eirene, and Vorenus runs for the municipal magistrate with Posca's help. Octavian retrieves Octavia from her exile. Servilia invites Quintus Pompey into her home, to Brutus's dismay.
While Pullo descends into Erastes' netherworld, Vorenus negotiates a severance for veteran soldiers on behalf of Caesar, who invites him and Niobe to one of Atia's parties. Finally, Cassius attempts to convince Brutus that the life and death of the Republic are indeed "in your hands."
Pullo and Vorenus have become heroes, causing Caesar to reward those he usually would punish. Unfortunately, Pullo's return to Vorenus' household is not appreciated by his former slave Eirene. Caesar overhauls the Senate by adding some unexpected new faces. Servilia crosses the final hurdle in her ambitious revenge plan at Niobe's expense.