About this Show
Nearly 20 years after the success of hit musical telenovela Floricienta, acclaimed Argentine producer Cris Morena's follow-up series chronicles the life of Margarita (Mora Bianchi), daughter of Krikoragán rulers Florencia Santillán and El Conde. Abandoned as a baby after her parents' disappearance, Margarita is raised outside of her royal roots until a scholarship opportunity changes everything. As she immerses herself in her new life, Margarita searches for her true origin, meets new friends, and fulfills her wildest dreams -- unaware that long-time enemy Delfina (Isabel Macedo) is plotting against her. A vibrant ode to the marvels of childhood and found family, Margarita is a modern fairytale that reaches across generations to spark magic and inspire belief in the power of dreams.