Eight bakers enter the kitchen to show off their traditions and baking skills.more
Eight bakers enter the kitchen to show off their traditions and b...More
Starring: Duff GoldmanNancy FullerLorraine Pascale
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Eight bakers enter the kitchen to show off their traditions and baking skills.
Starring: Duff GoldmanNancy FullerLorraine PascaleJesse Palmer
In the epic finale, the three remaining bakers have just one challenge, but it's a massive one. Each baker taps into a favorite holiday memory and then constructs gingerbread worlds filled with all sorts of treats. The baker who can impress the judges the most will become the Holiday Baking Champion and take home $50,000!
About this Show
Holiday Baking Championship
Eight bakers enter the kitchen to show off their traditions and baking skills.
Starring: Duff GoldmanNancy FullerLorraine PascaleJesse Palmer