The creative team behind the Emmy Award-winning "Batman: The Animated Series" chronicles the adventures of Superman, the legendary superhero, as he battles the forces of villainy and continues his quest for "truth, justice and the American way."more
The creative team behind the Emmy Award-winning "Batman: The Anim...More
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The creative team behind the Emmy Award-winning "Batman: The Animated Series" chronicles the adventures of Superman, the legendary superhero, as he battles the forces of villainy and continues his quest for "truth, justice and the American way."
As the planet Krypton is destroyed, its leader, Jor-El, secures his infant son, Kal-El, in a rocket that will transport him to Earth. There, as Clark Kent, he discovers the truth about his interplanetary heritage and assumes the identity of Superman in the city of Metropolis.
Superman is the target of yet another of Lex Luthor's evil schemes. Lex Luthor transforms terrorist John Corben into Metallo, a flesh and metal Kryptonite-hearted cyborg with evil intent and no emotions. Metallo's only mission is to destroy Superman. But once he discovers that he is more machine than man, Metallo attacks his creator and Superman must save Luthor from his own invention.
Lobo, the infamous intergalactic bounty hunter, has been hired by the Preserver to capture Superman, the last known survivor of his race. Lobo and Superman fight their way into deep space, where the double-crossing Preserver captures them both, since Lobo is also the last of his kind.
Clark's childhood sweetheart, Lana Lang, arrives in Metropolis and is romanced by Lex Luthor. By the time Lana realizes that Lex is a dangerous criminal, she knows enough of his secrets to help Superman defeat him. But when Lex sees Superman and Lana together, he provides Lana with false information so he can trap the Man of Steel. Superman eventually discovers Luthor's plan and saves himself and Lana.
About this Show
Superman: The Animated Series
The creative team behind the Emmy Award-winning "Batman: The Animated Series" chronicles the adventures of Superman, the legendary superhero, as he battles the forces of villainy and continues his quest for "truth, justice and the American way."