5 seasons available (149 episodes)

Uncle GrandpaUncle Grandpa

Uncle Grandpa is a show about Uncle Grandpa, everyone in the world's magical uncle and grandpa, who travels around the world in an RV with his right-hand man, Belly Bag, a giant realistic flying tiger named Giant Realistic Flying Tiger, an egotistical slice of pizza, Pizza Steve and a dinosaur person named Mr. Gus. Uncle Grandpa's mission is to help people out when they need it even if they never had a problem in the first place.more

Uncle Grandpa is a show about Uncle Grandpa, everyone in the worl...More

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Episode 1

Belly Bros

When a kid is bummed that his favorite shirt won't fit over his big belly, it's up to Uncle Grandpa to show him that t-shirts come and go, but having a big belly is always cool.

Episode 2

Tiger Trails

In the final moments of helping a kid, Uncle Grandpa just needs his trusty Giant Realistic Flying Tiger, but when he finds out she's gone, it sends UG on a journey to find the tiger and figure out why she left.

Episode 3

Space Emperor

When UG mistakes a kid in a costume for an evil space emperor, he sends him to another dimension where he becomes an actual evil space emperor and UG must figure out some way to bring him home.

Episode 4

Funny Face

When Uncle Grandpa accidentally unleashes a floating Funny Face that's so funny you laugh yourself to insanity, the guys realize that only Gus' seriousness can save them, but will he help them after they've hurt his feelings?

Episode 5

Moustache Cream

When UG and the gang are in a rush to purchase some emergency moustache cream, they face a formidable foe: Mart Mart.

Episode 6


When a kid wants a cool nickname, Uncle Grandpa tells him he has to earn it in the most legendary way ever: yard work!

Episode 7

Driver's Test

When a girl has trouble passing her driving test, Uncle Grandpa shows up to help her. But when they accidentally set a Crazy Baby loose in the city, it's up to Uncle Grandpa to stop it… by teaching the girl how to drive!

Episode 8

Uncle Grandpa Sitter

Gus and Pizza Steve have plans to go out for the night, but UG can't be left alone in the RV, so they need a babysitter. But when none are available, they turn to UG to babysit himself.

Episode 9

Uncle Grandpa Ate My Homework!

When Uncle Grandpa shows up and mistakenly eats a kid's Egyptian diorama for school, he helps the kid bring an actual pyramid to class, but accidentally unleashes an evil mummy on the world.

Episode 10

Uncle Grandpa for a Day

When UG gets his head stuck in a peanut butter jar, Mr. Gus and Pizza Steve have to pretend to be UG and help a kid.

Episode 11

Afraid of the Dark

When UG helps a little girl who is afraid of the dark, he convinces her there's nothing to be afraid of but their imaginations. But when their imaginations prove to be pretty terrifying, they go on a quest to turn on the lights.

Episode 12

Treasure Map

Uncle Grandpa and the gang don't have money to pay for their meal at a restaurant. But when they discover a treasure map, it could be the answer to all their problems. Too bad the treasure map is actually a restaurant activity placemat.

Episode 13

Locked Out

When Uncle Grandpa gets locked out of his RV and accidentally sets off the security system, it's up to him and his friends to disarm it before it destroys them.

Episode 14


When Mr. Gus gets stuck in an embarrassingly super tight pair of jorts, he has to somehow get out of them in order to save his friends.

Episode 15

Brain Game

Uncle Grandpa calls on Pizza Steve, the self-proclaimed master of video games, to help a kid beat a game. Only problem: Pizza Steve is terrible at video games.

Episode 16

Mystery Noise

It's Sleepover Dream Night in the RV and the gang just wants to get some sleep to dream their dreams, but when a mysterious noise keeps them awake, their grip on sanity begins slipping.

Episode 17

Charlie Burgers

Uncle Grandpa and crew help a friendly dog, Charlie Burgers, find his lost ball by literally turning the world upside down.

Episode 18


A collection of shorts where Uncle Grandpa and the gang host a news program that goes awry, two turtles decide whether things are cool or dumb, and Uncle Grandpa goes on an accidental rampage trying to hit a piñata.

Episode 19

Perfect Kid

Uncle Grandpa helps a kid become perfect by turning him into a robot. But when the robot tries to destroy him for being imperfect, Uncle Grandpa goes on the run.

Episode 20

Big in Japan

When Uncle Grandpa and the gang help a kid make a giant monster movie, they cast Mr. Gus as the monster. Things get tense on the set when Mr. Gus wants to flex his acting muscles while Uncle Grandpa only wants him to flex his monster muscles.

Episode 21

Leg Wrestler

When Uncle Grandpa and Mr. Gus argue over what show to watch on TV, Pizza Steve has the perfect way to solve their dilemma: Leg wrestling battle!

Episode 22

Future Pizza

When Uncle Grandpa travels back through time with a warning that Pizza Steve will do something to offend him in the next five minutes, Pizza Steve begins to obsess over what he could possibly do to offend Uncle Grandpa.

Episode 23

More Uncle Grandpa Shorts

Series of shorts starring everyone's favorite uncle and grandpa!

Episode 24

Viewer Special

Uncle Grandpa announces the winner of a contest to draw the latest episode of Uncle Grandpa. Too bad the winner is a metalhead who torments the gang with his strange doodles.

Episode 25

Bad Morning

When Uncle Grandpa wakes up on the wrong side of the bed, he changes into a grumpy grump and it's up to the rest of the gang to reverse his bad day.

Episode 26

Prank Wars

When Pizza Steve and Mr. Gus engage in a prank war, Mr. Gus ends up pulling the biggest prank, only realizing too late that it will get Pizza Steve eaten.

Episode 27

1992 Called

Uncle Grandpa travels back to the year 1492 to retrieve a pair of pants.

Episode 28

Bezt Frends

Uncle Grandpa goes to extreme measures to surpass Pizza Steve as Pizza Steve's best friend.

Episode 29

Food Truck

Greed causes Pizza Steve's latest business venture to backfire.

Episode 30

Hide and Seek

A game of hide and seek uncovers a neglected remnant from Uncle Grandpa's past.

Episode 31

The History of Wrestling

A look back on The Nuttiest Match Ever, a historic wrestling event revolving around legends Chicken Man, The Best, and Mysterious Gus.

Episode 32

Sick Bag

Uncle Grandpa journeys inside Belly Bag to cure his friend of a mysterious illness.

Episode 33


Uncle Grandpa goes on vacation only to discover that being Uncle Grandpa is a full time job.

Episode 34

Aunt Grandma

The gang must stop a nefarious imposter from rendering Uncle Grandpa obsolete.

Episode 35


Uncle Grandpa must fix his mistake after he helps a grounded teen go to a party.

Episode 36

Haunted RV

After Uncle Grandpa's Haunted House spirals out of control, the gang must save the teenagers stuck inside.

Episode 37

Internet Troll

Uncle Grandpa and Mr. Gus venture into cyberspace to defeat an Internet troll.

Episode 38

Not Funny

A young girl's suppressed sense of humor breeds evil that can only be defeated with the help of Uncle Grandpa.

Episode 39

Prison Break

When Mr. Gus and Pizza Steve's prank calling lands them in an intergalactic prison, they must work together to escape.

Episode 40


A trip to the mall turns into a national disaster when Uncle Grandpa and Pizza Steve become stranded on a broken escalator.

Episode 41

UG Christmas Special

Santa and Uncle Grandpa must work through their personal differences order to save Christmas.

Episode 42

Dog Day

When a father refuses his daughter's request for a dog, Uncle Grandpa vows to teach the girl responsibility by becoming a dog.

Episode 43

Tiger and Mouse

An unlikely friendship between Giant Realistic Flying Tiger and a mouse threatens to destroy everything inside the RV.

Episode 44

Pizza Steve's Diary

When his diary winds up in the hands of Mr. Gus, Pizza Steve goes to great lengths to get it back before Mr. Gus can read all of his deepest, darkest secrets.

Episode 45


Uncle Grandpa, Pizza Steve, and Mr. Gus must win a basketball game against a super awesome b-ball crew in order to keep the RV.

Episode 46

Big Trouble for Tiny Miracle

Tiny Miracle allows the gang to take advantage of his generosity at the expense of his own health.

Episode 47

New Kid

Uncle Grandpa gives a kid a haircut that is too cool for school.*

Episode 48

Uncle Zombie

Pizza Steve keeps Uncle Grandpa awake all night with terrifying consequences.

Episode 49

Uncle Caveman

In this prehistoric-themed episode, Uncle Grandpa must save his new friend, Mr. Gus, from a hoard of hungry cavemen.

Episode 50

Misfortune Cookie

After receiving an ominous fortune, Uncle Grandpa must snoop out whom among his friends is an enemy in disguise.

Episode 51


After Uncle Grandpa neglects his garbage duties, he embarks on a quest to save his friends from the overflowing pile of trash.

The Phone Booth

Uncle Cupid

Killer Dummy

Pitch Fork

The Dance

Magic Carpet

Rescue Mission

Robot Grandpa

Deep Void

Toofi Trap

Be Cool



Hollow Hill Hospital

Escape the Breathing

Ghost Pizza Send Grandpa

Snow Ball Fight

Poll Results

Zombie Candy

Yoga Ball

Lizzie Harrison and the Melvin's

RV Olympics

Beach Day


Classic Album

Dinosaur Musical


Forest Kingdom

Lesson Learned

History Lesson With Mr. Gus

King of the Beach




Lamp Story


Pizza Steve's Girlfriend

Hot Tub

Missing Shadows

Mission Space

Oatmeal Day

Uncle Grandpa Boy

The Mad King

Radiation Mutation Belt

The Past and Future

Phone Call

Sea Adventure

Nacho Cheese

Santa Line

Yard Sale

Shoe Ties


Ducktor Exam

Baby Mission

Watermelon Mouth

Cloud Watching

Moments in History with Mr. Gus


Wild, Wild West

Ticking Time Bomb

Kung-Fu Tutles

I'm Sorry I Got Mad at You

Science Time

Working Out



Bedtime Story



Stinky Elevator

About this Show

Uncle Grandpa

Uncle Grandpa is a show about Uncle Grandpa, everyone in the world's magical uncle and grandpa, who travels around the world in an RV with his right-hand man, Belly Bag, a giant realistic flying tiger named Giant Realistic Flying Tiger, an egotistical slice of pizza, Pizza Steve and a dinosaur person named Mr. Gus. Uncle Grandpa's mission is to help people out when they need it even if they never had a problem in the first place.

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